Boys will be Boys
Benny and his friends posing in there Luchadors masks.
Thanks to the movie Nacho Libre my son loves to wear his mask.
Some more pictures of our day in L.A.
Benny and My Mom, Grandma Mercy.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007 | | 1 Comments
Been a While
So it has been a while since I have blogged. I have heard from a few friends that I need to blog. I know I have really slacked off. So here you go. A lot has happened in the last few months. June ended well. The kids are in summer camp at school. They are having a blast. Benny just finished swimming lessons. Carissa is having fun in her last few months at the preschool. Soon she will be starting kindergarten.
July came and oh did it really come. On July 9th my parents were over at our house for a nice evening of fellowship with them. My father got a call from his sister in Texas that my grandma had a heart attack. He was able to fly in to Texas the next morning. On Tuesday night July 10th my grandma at the age of 91 passed away and went to home to live with her heavenly father. So my Mom,older sister and I drove to Uvalde, Texas for my grandmas funeral. It was like a mini family reunion. It was awesome to hear stories of her life and the things she had done. My grandma was such an great role model to me She left behind a legacy that will be hard to compare. She raised eight children and half on her own. She never wavered in her walk with the Lord. She kept on running to one day win the race, which I believe she did. I know without a doubt, Gods words were," Well done, my good and faithful servant."
We have been so busy. I got to attend a very good friends wedding. It was beautiful. It was the first wedding that my children attended with us. I think we will wait a while before we do that again.
Our camping trip came and it was so needed. We got to go fishing and didn't catch much. All I caught was a little fish. The kids were so excited. I got to brag that I was the only one who caught something. Ha Ha! We took a lot of really good pictures. So we finished July really nice. I really hope August slows down a little.
Oh, and to all my blogger friends, I promise to blog more!
Monday, July 30, 2007 | Labels: So | 3 Comments