My Buddy!

Over a year ago I got the opportunity to meet and hang out with one of the mothers from my preschool class. From that day on we have had a great time hanging out. Turned out we had so much in common. Before Cindy, I didn't have someone to call or text whenever I wanted. I was challenged in the area of making friends I guess you can say. I had some issues back in high school that left me scared. So from that time on I avoided the opportunity of making close friendships with other women. I kept every woman I knew and met at arms length.

Around the time I met Cindy, God had been dealing with me about this issue. I knew and told myself to be vulnerable to other women. To me that was scary. I had stuck with those feelings for over 13 years.

So for the last year I have had such a fun time hanging out with my buddy. We have got to enjoy so many things together this past year, being pregnant...having babies....going to church together...joining Maps...sewing...and so much more. Cindy, I love being your best bud. I couldn't ask for a better friend. Thank you for putting up with a friend that has issues. I know it's been tough. I look forward to all the years to come. Thanks buddy!

Mattthew 6:30

It's a very upsetting and discouraging word in our house right now. Duane job is talking about a possible strike starting February 1st, this has brought on worry and stress. So please keep us in your prayers. God has always taken care of us as a family. Duane and I know God will take care of us, but we also know that God allows us to go through rough times as well. So this morning this is the verse that God had for us. Isn't he amazing? "If God gives such attention to the appearance of wildflowers-most of which are never seen-don't you think he'll attend to you? Matthew 6:30

John the Beloved

Twenty five day's ago a few women and I started a journey together for the the next ninety days. I have been challenged in so many ways. Thank God. My biggest excuse was that I was too busy to find time to get into the word. So when our small group minister asked us to consider going through this study together. Right away I agreed. I needed this. Something daily to push me and draw me close to him. Oh.... and it is. I am finding myself looking forward to this every day. To see what God is going to show me. If you have fifteen minutes to spare please take the time to meet God! Don't miss out on what he can reveal to you through his word. Through the life of his beloved disciple.


Who knew that a piece of tissue the size of your pinkie nail can make you feel like you are about to die. Well last Friday I thought that I had finally got what had been sending my family running to the restroom every 5 minutes. Around 12:30 in the morning I told Duane I was going to drive myself to the E.R. I arrived and waited for about two hours to see a doctor. He checked me and said he thought it was appendicitis, but I needed to have a cat scan. The x-ray tech came and wheeled me to the room where he would take an x-ray of my body.

He didn't know this but my family has dealt with the cancer disease for a long time. It (cancer) is something I fear. Every time I have a physical I think I will get a call that I too have the disease. So while he was wheeling me to the room he goes on about how, hopefully it's not cancer. Like thats what I needed to hear. That sent me into a quiet panic. I then started to pray and knew that God was there with me.

People have asked why I drove myself to the hospital and if I was worried about being alone. No I wasn't, God was there with me. I felt him there with me that night.

While I waited for the results of the cat scan I remembered that I had taken my bible and ipod. I started to read and listen to some music to help me focus while I waited for Duane to arrive. The Doctor then came in and let me know my appendix was inflamed and I needed surgery asap.

Thank God.

Thank God that's all it was. I had surgery around 6:30 that morning. I have been home for almost a week and I still can't believe this all happened. I am so thankful for my church and all the people around me that have been praying and helping us out.