
This year Benny played spring baseball. The season is over for most of the teams. Not for us we have made to the playoffs. This Saturday was closing ceremonies. Our team the Arizona Diamondbacks placed first and all the boys received their trophies. They got to run the bases at the San Bernardino minor league field.

Last night was the third game of playoffs. It was a very nervous and fun game. Throughout this season Benny has had a great time. The only thing is, when he would get up to bat he would freeze up and not swing. We continue to encourage him and let him know it's all about having fun. In the last couple of weeks he has let go of all the worries and he's doing great.

Last night he got great hit. He brought two players into home. He also got into a pickle in between second and third. Didn't realize it but I was on my feet jumping and screaming. Sad to say, the opposing team was blocking the base so he was called out due to him running out of the base line. It's ok I think him getting the game ball made up for it. We are looking forward to our next game on Wednesday we play the Padres. All I can say is they are toast!