Been Busy

I haven't blogged in a bout a week. We have been pretty busy. I have kept up with my walking at least 3 times a week. We are still on the hunt for a house, and of course I have been sewing. Not to say keeping the house clean and hosting/leading a small group. I feel like I need a vacation. I got to go to Jo-Ann's today and that sort of felt like a little getaway. I asked Carissa if she wanted to go with me and she refused. I was shocked she is my little shopping buddy and today she told me "No mom that's OK You go and have some private time." I thought that was so sweet. How did she know I needed some private time? So here are a few things that I have made lately. One more note check out my friend Cindy's blog she has started making some very cute things. Her blog is


Amber said...

Super Cute! I love the green and white striped tank! You are very talented!