Happy Birthday Evan!

This past week I got to make my friend Kimmy's son Evan's 1st birthday shirt. I thought I would do a step by step of the process.

This is the picture Kimmy found and asked me to make.

I start out with a plain t-shirt.

The cut out the shapes of the hat and circle.

Then I print out E's name and the birthday number,
for my patterns.

Here is the main part of the hat with #1.

Added a round top and bottom.

The hard part was cutting out his name.

I then iron them on with Heat bond.
(You can find t his at your local Jo-Ann's)

Almost done.

At the end I ironed on heat bond and cut the circle.

E's shirt all done!!


kim said...

we love it... thanks rach!!

Alicia Christian said...

Fabulous! Nice job on the tutorial!