It Bit and I itched!
So I blogged recently about the craft bug bitting. Well It sure did bite and I scratched it good! My B.F.F. gave me some great ideas. Thanks Buddy! She asked if I had heard of a birthday onesie or shirt. I didn't so I did some searching in Etsy and I was so motivated. I went out and bought some basic white Tee's and the creativity flowed, itched, or bit whatever. I started with an inital tee for Lily. Here is the finished product. I then prceeded to make a really cute red flower shirt from a piece of fabric that I had left over. I should of told my Mom to please not give Lily her first cheeto with out a bib. OMG! I wanted to scream. Hopefully the stain remover works.
I then got started on Lily's birthday shirt. I havn't finished it yet but here is the work in progress.
Cindy and I will be starting on some for Audrey soon. I will be posting. Thanks you for your comments bloggers. I love the sights you have recomended. I really enjoy sewing soooo much. You all should know that what I wanted for my 16th birthday was a sewing machine crazy huh.
Thursday, March 26, 2009 | | 3 Comments
The Craft Bug!
The craft bug has been bitting me really bad. I want to make or create something just don't know what. I have a few coupons for the local fabric store. I want to use them. If you have any ideas please let me know. Maybe I need to look on etsy and see what other people are doing. If you have any sites that you know of please share. I would love to get busy and do something.
Friday, March 20, 2009 | | 1 Comments
My experiment for the next two weeks is to cook using my crock-pot. Tonight was the first night. I made homemade chicken nuggets tomorrow is eggplant parmesan. Alicia from MAP suggested this blog I needed something like this to help me with time management in the kitchen. I really don't like being in the kitchen all day. You know what I mean breakfast, dishes, lunch, then prep for dinner, clean up from dinner, and then dishes again.
So keeping with our budget I planned our meals for the next two weeks as usual. Did my shopping and only spent $92.00 of the $100 we budgeted for, remember that's for two weeks for a family of four 1/2. Duane was very proud of me. I hope these next two weeks go well. We were getting used to eating out all the time. Spending way too much money. What I spend now is amount of about 3 nights eating out. Sitting at the dinner table every night is so nice and peaceful well, when the kids aren't fighting.
I will be updating soon and let you know how it's going. Hey Chappy if your reading she has a lot gluten free recipes.
Monday, March 16, 2009 | | 1 Comments
Out and About
Last week Lily was diagnosed with R.S.V. or Bronchiolitis. Which means that we need to stay away from all our little friends that might get sick and catch what she has. For us that means no church, small group, MAP's and hanging with our B.F.F.'s Cindy and Audrey. So for almost a week we have been stuck indoors and it has just started. We have a few more weeks to go.
Yesterday we missed church since we are so worried about spreading the virus. While Lily was down for a nap, Benny, Carissa, and I took off for some fun. We needed to breath some fresh air and and take in such a beautiful day. Our plan was to go to the park, run around, take some pictures, and have fun. Well we got there and found out they charge a parking fee. I didn't have any cash and not enough change so we left. I was so disappointed. I so wanted to hang out for a while. I love that specific park. As we were driving away I quickly thought we can take pictures very close to the park.
I love how it came out with the palm trees in the background. Very Riverside. After driving around through the orange groves we decided to go downtown. We were getting hungry and I knew the perfect little place to sit and have a good time. "Mijo's Taco's is so cool" the kids said. We walked around and checked out the place and all the neat stuff they have to look at. We then sat down and had a couple tacos and enjoyed a very satisfying horchata. It was very yummy.
Monday, March 09, 2009 | | 0 Comments
A lot has been going on. Carissa had bronchitis and Lily had an ear infection. So that means we were stuck in the house for the last few weeks. We thought we would be nice and not share the germs. We had to cancel 3 weeks of small group. So sad. I really miss my small group buddies, Carissa does as well. She asked me today if everyday could be Tuesday. I asked her "why?" and she said, "so we can have small group everyday." How about that? She sure does love small group. Benny really thinking that through responded with "then we would have school everyday." I don't think he agreed with her.
I have had fun sewing too! Making baby blankets, burp clothes, mini blankets. I even made a car seat cover it turned out nice,but I'm not sure if I will do that again. It was a lot of work.
My little Lily seems to be getting bigger and bigger every day. Here is a video I took of her today. She is so ready to walk. She pushed that walker stroller all over the house.
Monday, March 02, 2009 | | 1 Comments